There are a few products and courses that I recommend that are affiliate products. Any of my Instagram friends will know that many products, mini-courses, and full-courses are now affiliate and work with Stan Store and/or Beacons only.

Affiliate courses and products are not new, but I would say are making a comeback in the market as people are moving away from Master Resell Rights (MRR) courses. All of the items listed below I have used myself and found them valuable.

I strive to bring affordable options to my audience, so that everyone, regardless of budget, can get what they need (education and/or products) to start and scale their online business.

If you have any questions about the items below, don't hesitate to email me at or for sure, hit me up on Instagram. I am always around! @templateforthat

Low Ticket Favorites

My Favorite Low Ticket Affiliate Products! Swipe to see all!

The Collective Code

If you are looking to get started in the digital product space and want to have the opportunity to gain access to a course + community + live support calls, for an affordable cost, this program is for you.

The Collective Code also has an extensive resell library of PLR products. PLUS a Shopify module created by moi!

Click below to check it out on my Beacons store.

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Inner Bloom Women's Wellness Academy with MRR

Inner Bloom

Inner Bloom is actually not an affiliate course, it is MRR. Inner Bloom is a women's wealth and wellness academy.

It is an amazing community that strives to take care of women's minds, bodies, and souls, as they work on their business and in their general life.

This is a MUST and is only $97.

Learn More